The latest guest on the K-Stream Podcast, Dr. Efrain Lopez, better known around the web as Dr. ELO, helps people and businesses get more comfortable with live streaming. He posts tech reviews, hacks and tutorials on his YouTube channel.
In addition, he hosts weekly live streams on social media for Be.Live and on his personal channels.
In the conversation we chat about:
- Dr. ELO’s live streaming business and how he got started
- How he managed to get a regular live stream series with Be.Live (hint it took posting 150+ videos before he got a call)
- How he organizes his live streams
- The “F&#$ the Tech” mentality
- The importance of email lists
I think the highlight of the episode is the “F&#$ the Tech” mentality. I asked Dr. ELO about this because in one of his previous streams, I noticed he was wearing a t-shirt and ball cap with that exact message printed on them.
“That is a mindset,” says Dr. ELO. “People get caught in gear acquisition syndrome, which we call GAS, and they don’t start doing content.”
It’s easy to get caught up in having the best gear and correlating that with good content. That’s not always the case. If you have a good story or message and a decent smart phone, you can make something great.
“You need to start ugly. You beautify your streams little by little and with experience.”
Dr. Efrain Lopez, live streamer and tech guru
Give the episode a listen ⬇️