
Lessons in Live Streaming Entrepreneurship, Knowing Your Why and Bringing Value


In my latest podcast, I spoke with Chris Carson, founder and CEO of SteadiReadi, a video production and live streaming company based in Cincinnati, Ohio.

We hit on so many great topics as it pertains to streaming, video and running a production company, but one topic in particular that stands out is why Chris gives so much knowledge away for free.

We hear social media and entrepreneur stars like Gary Vaynerchuk preaching this all the time, but it’s easy to debate internally whether or not this concept actually works. If I give this away for free, will it really result in more business in the long run? Will it really open up the door for new professional relationships?

“It has…changed everything for my life and for my business by doing so,” says Chris. “I think that when we all win, we all win. Whatever that looks like.”

Check out the video below for more, and please check out the latest episode of the podcast for the full interview with Chris.

His passion for video and streaming is unparalleled, and I really think that comes across in our conversation.
