
Amazon Live During the Holiday Season: Trusting Influencers


It was a pleasure to bring back Amazon Livestreamer and tech guru Monte Weaver to the K-Stream Podcast to talk about finding authentic influencers during this year’s holiday season.

While Black Friday and Cyber Monday have passed, millions of shoppers will still find their way to Amazon this holiday season to watch influencers rate and review products. Monte talks about what to watch out for to spot streamers that may not be the most authentic when it comes to selling. He also hits on a few recent updates Amazon made to the streaming platform, adding rules and restrictions to make it more of a QVC-like experience.

We also briefly chat about tips for creators out there who may be looking to increase sales and build an audience during the biggest shopping times of the year.

Although the episode is very much holiday focused, the lessons can be applied for both viewers and streamers throughout the course of the year.
